#01 DIARY - Life update + Looking back at your old work.
What I am working on now and some thoughts on the benefits of looking back at your old sessions.
If you've read my "About Me" post, you probably know that I've spent the last 4 years living in Australia. However, my visa recently expired, so my partner and I flew back to Argentina for some quality family time. April was all about reconnecting with loved ones.
Now, this month, I'm focusing on connecting with fellow creatives and brands here in Buenos Aires. Starting my photography career in Australia means I have a limited network here, but I'm excited to expand it and explore how the industry works in this city I call home.
Aside from networking, I've been busy with a few other projects:
35MM Ebook: I've been working on putting together a resource for photographers interested in shooting on film. After many years of shooting both mediums and 1 year of exclusively shooting film, I've gained valuable insights that I'm excited to share with you.
TikTok: I've been experimenting with TikTok lately, trying to find my style and share content that resonates with me and my audience. It's been a fun challenge, and I'm constantly inspired by the amazing creators out there. If you want to follow along, you can find me here.
Travel: This year promises lots of adventures! I'm currently preparing pitches for some exciting destinations I'll be visiting in August and September. And after that, I'll be jetting off to Spain to spend some time there.
It's a busy time, but I'm thrilled to be diving into new projects and opportunities.
Looking back at your old work
So, picture this: last week, I was tidying up my computer, transferring files, and suddenly, I found myself diving into my very first photography sessions in Sydney. As I started to feel really nostalgic, I also realized the importance of revisiting both old and recent work regularly.
It's all about reflecting on what went right, what went wrong, and how you can level up. Are you satisfied with the model choice, the location, the lighting, the edits? Did you nail the look you were going for? Did the photos truly capture your vision? Was the vibe in sync? Is the message crystal clear?
I scrolled through those old shots and it was like taking a stroll down memory lane with a fresh pair of eyes. Sure, there were editing tweaks and artistic choices I'd make differently now, but beneath it all, to my surprise, I could still see hints of my current style emerging and let me tell you, that felt really good!
What's cool is, sometimes you stumble upon some hidden gems—photos you once overlooked but now see in a whole new light. It's funny how time and perspective can change your perception, right? Maybe it's the angle, the model's expression, or just the overall vibe—it's like they're tailor-made for your aesthetic now. Give them a little re-edit, and they're ready to shine on your socials or portfolio again.
In a world where we're constantly comparing ourselves to others, it's important to remember that our journey is our own. Going back to our old work offers a refreshing perspective. It's a chance to appreciate the journey, celebrate growth, and embrace the uniqueness of our creative evolution.
I want you to take a moment to reflect on where you started and where you're standing now. Let those old shots inspire you and fuel your drive to keep growing and evolving. And don’t forget to have fun in the process. After all, that's what it's all about, isn't it?
P.S. I will leave some snaps from my first shoot for you to see below, would love to hear your thoughts. I honestly still love them so much!